Thursday, September 19

Celeb News News

April 17, 2024

Zvazoshata Patricia Jack Akuzoenda KuChikurubhi Mai TT Voti Patricia Jack Akanditi Hunza UDD $5000 Kuti Ndisabuditse MaNyudzu A Fifi Aripart YeGang Yaka Buditsa MaNyudzu

MAI TT has accused social media celebrity, Patricia Jack, of being part of the gang which was behind the leaking of her daughter Fifi’s nude pictures.         She claims Jack allegedly attempted to extort her, demanding that she pays US$5 000, to ensure that the images were not splashed online.Fifi’s ex-boyfriend, Amir Edwin Mhaka, was arrested on Monday accused of being part of the gang which leaked the nude pictures on social media after the collapse of their two-year relationship.                 Amir is 19. In her statement to the police, which H-Metro is in possession of, Mai TT said she received a message on Instagram from her former friend, Patricia Jack

April 17, 2024

Kwazoshata Patricia Jack Hanzi Mai TT Kundivenga Nekuti Ndakadanana naGilbert Urikudya Marutsi Angu Handizini Ndakati Fifi Apenengure Gambi Achiisa PaInternet Ndinokumamisa Ukadakundi Jairira

Kana ndirini ndakamukurura hembe ndichaenda kupolice Station,kana ndiri ini ndakamupfekedza mask ndichaenda ,kana ndiri ini ndakamufekedza chuma ndichaenda kupolice ,kana ndiri ini wawakasendera ndichaenda , Kana ndirini ndaimupenengura gambi ndichaenda,               Iwe ndiwe wakutoita mwana content you wanted this hanty?you wanted attention ,pathetic bi***,So mukomana makamushaira mhosva wakwandiri ini chero kukurova ndokurova feli you know me ,ndokukwatura stereki usada kundijairira come and Faceme face to face,ko Mapurisa acho ari pafacebook here ?ndiwe wamupurisa,mapurisa akutonyara newe,Tumari twese twefeli glow kakuperera kucourt ,kutovhiringa mwana ,Shameless woman!!!unobhowa iwe !!

April 15, 2024

Shamwari Ya Jahprayzer Yo Leakisa Imba Yake Yaari Kuvaka Ku Pokugara Estate Borrowdale Hezvo Saka Pese Apa Ai Roja Tanyara Zvinzwireiwo

Shanwari Ya Jahprayzer Yo Leakisa Imba Yake Yaari Kuvaka Ku Pokugara Estate Borrowdale Hezvo Saka Pese Apa Ai Roja Tanyara Zvinzwireiwo           Shanwari Ya Jahprayzer Yo Leakisa Imba Yake Yaari Kuvaka Ku Pokugara Estate Borrowdale Hezvo Saka Pese Apa Ai Roja Tanyara Zvinzwireiwo         The house Jah Prayzah is building in Borrowdale I know the exact area if you want to ndokunogara KVG wepa STA FM

April 13, 2024

Maitt Voti Fifi Aibhadhara 355usd Per Week Kumukomana X Wake Aimublack Mailer Kuti Akaburitsa Manudzu Ake Saka Mwana Akasvika Pakuneta Zvakaitika Gore Rese

Maitt Voti Fifi Aibhadhara 355usd Per Week Kumukomana X Wake  Aimublack Mailer Kuti Akaburitsa Manudzu Ake Saka Mwana Akasvika Pakuneta Zvakaitika Gore Rese,        I know you are waiting for answers wich u already concluded. But it is well . The way you are shocked is the same way I’m shocked because my daughter is the most quiet, intelligent, individual. When I counted my blessings I count her as well . Never have I ever hold a stick to flog her because there was nothing to flog her for . She was the best God gave me because everything about her is just perfect.            There is no website that people are claiming  There are no videos wich people are exegerating     

April 12, 2024

Tom Jones Oti I Blame Wadu Ndiye Aibonyoresa Vana Vese Achitambisa Beans Dzavo Mai Vari Kujeri Vana Idzvinyangwe Rinonhuwa Mukosho Ndiyeee

Tom Jones Oti I Blame Wadu Ndiye Aibonyoresa Vana Vese Achitambisa Beans Dzavo Mai Vari Kujeri Vana Idzvinyangwe Rinonhuwa Mukosho Ndiyeee.                     Mwana anogeza shame, machembere gara pasi. It's true us we have girl children. Madzimai aripano varikutaura zvisizvo mangwana zvichaitikwa kwako musataure muchipedzeredza. Taura zvako vana vedu varikuita zvorova kusangozikanwa kwatoitwa. Mai Tt vanonyanya kuseka vamwe manje seka urema wafa. How can I send voice note veduwe pane sound yandirikuda kuita.           Imotuka Patricia jack ane godo na mai tt pa page rake its all about mai tt. Ummm life has no balance sure kuda kuona chinhu chemwana. tom ndo

April 12, 2024

Zvinonyadzisa Mai TT Vonzi Mambara Of The Week Ne H-Metro Hanzi Varikutengesa Fifi Pa LexyDaHotpot

This week, my task was made easy, thanks to disgraced comedienne Mai TT and her daughter Fifi, 17, who are trending because of nude pictures which were posted online.Mai TT shocked the nation as she defended her daughter and encouraged her to dump more nudes online.               As a mother who is raising the little girl, her stance was unacceptable. She owes us an apology. Mai TT is not fit to be a mother if she continues to defend such nonsense and immorality.COMEDIENNE Mai TT’s reaction to the leaking of her daughter Felisha’s nude photos on the internet was very disappointing.Felisha sent the internet into overdrive this week after her nude pictures were leaked on the internet.    

April 12, 2024

Zvakaoma Snakeunder Grass Aka invitwa ku Birthday Ra Scott Kupa Akanodhakwa Ndoku Mamira Manyoka Mu Swimming Pool Ya Scott Akazodzingw Nemamonya

Zvakaona Snakeunder Grass Aka invitwa ku Birthday Ra Scott Kupa Akanodhakwa Ndoku Mamira Manyoka Mu Swimming Pool Ya Scott Akazodzingw Nemamonya.               Undergrass is a very intelligent guy💯💯💯💯💯 person taking video was definitely in special class Ku primary and highschool...Undergrass should not allow him to film anymore.. nonsense.. asi wakamboshanda kusuwa pipe why is it unozvifarira zvemadhodhi .Ndorimwe page rekungoburitsa zvakadhakwa zvevamwe..interviewer idako.             Clint uri bitter pakuti ndiwe wakatora viral video yemukomana asi wakazosara pa2 minutes dzakaitika zvinhu idzodzo Dai wapora. Musi uno waimuwanzira nezvekusiiwa kwake ne mukadzi b

April 11, 2024

Chembere Dzagumhana Patricia Jack & Ketina Varikunyepera FiFi Hakuna Website Inonzi LexyDeHotPot Manyepo Google Ne Amazon Yazviramba

Chembere Dzagumhana Patricia Jack & Ketina Varikunyepera FiFi Hakuna Website Inonzi LexyDeHotPot Manyepo Google Ne Amazon Yazviramba                 1500 to 2000 PER week...munonyepei kudaro,munoti dai asina kubhadharira mai chikwembi kare?maisakwanisa kuzvitaura saka nhasi ndopamazofunga kubudikira.           .professional photographer kudii zvimupikicha zvaitotwa ne fon nemafiritaSo u think Fifi is on tht website n she gets 2 thousand usd per week meaning per month she gets 8 thousand usd geegeedeee Kettina n ur minion sit dwn atisi mapenzi amunonyeoera kudaro.             Nekuvenga kwamunoita maiTt mungadai makatodzibudisa

April 11, 2024

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Patricia Jackie Obutitsa Video Fifi Achidya Futi Chiweti Cheumwe Musikana Imikaa Onzi Fifi Ano Actor Maphonooo Mubedroom Mamai Vake Vanowana 6000 USD Every Months Zvinzwirewo

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Patricia Jackie Obutitsa Video Fifi Achidya Futi Chiweti Cheumwe Musikana Imikaa Onzi Fifi Ano Actor Maponooo Mubedroom Mamai Vake Vanowana 6000 USD Every Months Zvinzwirewo.           Fifi namai vake ndikutoona zvavari vasina kupfeka ipapa😂🤦‍♀️ eish zvakaoma hazvo mai vamai tt ndofunga vakushaya pekupinda kokuzoti baba vacho vakutoziva zvakaita muzukuru wavo. I she she did her best to her kids ,it's very unfortunate kuti vana vedu Havana mugoni chete. Fifi namai vake ndikutoona zvavari vasina kupfeka ipapa😂🤦‍♀️ eish zvakaoma hazvo mai vamai tt ndofunga vakushaya pekupinda kokuzoti baba vacho vakutoziva zvakaita muzukuru wavo.     Ndopaunonyatsoona kuti Facebook drama

April 11, 2024

Musikana Anoshanda Na Fifi Lexyhotpot Hanzi I Takatanga Kuzviita Kudhara Iye Anotopiwa Mari Yakawanda Tinaye Totoita Naye Tichitambisa Mheche Tese Kuma Clients

Musikana Anoshanda Na Fifi Kuchihure Hanzi I Escot Takatanga Kuzvionawo Kudhara Iye Anotopiwa Mari Yakawanda Tinaye Totoita Naye Tichitambisa Mheche Tese Kuma Clients Tirikugroup Vochooser Vaarikuda Ku The Hotpot Kunobhadhara Paweek Anowana 1500 -2000 Usd Inzwaiwo           But don't put it past that it's actually the mother's idea. She could be grooming her, a marketing strategy. Yes, this is very common, when prostitutes get old, they start grooming their daughters into the trade. They will live vicariously through their daughters. Sad but true. Learn OR perish!!!       Someone is getting arrested this week kkkk.   If her mother used to mistreat/abusive the father or is a drunkard or command the fa

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