Tuesday, September 17

General News

May 08, 2024

Rumbidzai Samantha Matemachani Akatinha Mombe 18 Akadzitengesa 2 Akanoita GochiGochi Ye 5 Days

A MARONDERA woman has been arrested for stealing an entire herd of cattle. Rumbidzai Samantha Matemachani is being accused of stealing 18 cows and selling them for cash. Mashonaland East provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Simon Chazovachii, confirmed the arrest. “Police arrested a Marondera woman in connection with stock theft,” said Insp Chazovachii.         “She is expected to appear in court soon. Cases of stock theft in the province have become a thorn in the flesh of villagers in a number of areas within the province. “We are urging people to closely monitor and secure their livestock. “As the Zimbabwe Republic Police, we are warning criminals who are causing sleepless nights to farmers th

April 27, 2024

V11 Mai Maketeni Inyoka Message Ravatumira Vachiti Feli Detained Ne Immigration

V11 Mai Maketeni Inyoka Message Ravatumira Vachiti Feli Detained Ne Immigration              V11 Mai Maketeni Inyoka Message Ravatumira Vachiti Feli Detained Ne Immigration  V11 Mai Maketeni Inyoka Message Ravatumira Vachiti Feli Detained Ne Immigration  V11 Mai Maketeni Inyoka Message Ravatumira Vachiti Feli Detained Ne Immigration  V11 Mai Maketeni Inyoka Message Ravatumira Vachiti Feli Detained Ne Immigration   

April 16, 2024

Melody Matudza Weku Chiredzi Orova Mwana 4 Year Old Kumutsika Musoro Achimirova Ne Tsvimbo Kumujunga Junga Kusvika Afa Zvaitika Zvakaoma Mweya Yetsvina Iriko Zvionerewo Video

  Melody Matudza Weku Chiredzi Orova Mwana 4 Year Old Kumutsika Musoro Achimirova Ne Tsvimbo Kumujunga Junga Kusvika Afa Zvaitika Zvakaoma Mweya Yetsvina Iriko Zvionerewo Video             

April 16, 2024

Kikky Na Tytie Vabura Hombe Voburitsa Video Ravo Vachidyanana Mikosho Vakuto Actor Maponooo Chaiwo Zvanyanya Izvi Zvionerewo Naiwo Maromo Azara Huronyo Inga Vanhu Are Supporting You Kuda Ku Trender Here

Yaa muskana uyu Dai iri hanzvadzi😩yngu kaaYaaaah ndazobvuma ama 2000 hatina zera nemi 🙌🏾Kamuskana aka ndkuoona sekari kishandiswamari yakaoma shuwa uuuum ende vana ava vakafumuka kunge chibereko chehure iye kiki kupfavira kudaro kunge njuzu iriku mwedzi puuuHanzi tine godo nevana regai tinyarare hedu             Mwari Dai Vatiudza musi nenguva yavachauya nekuti haaa Tabho 😂😂Hakuna murume anokuda anokushambadza so never....I will rather be single mxmMupfanha wanku Inga tirikungokusapota wani koo Wakuita sey kna makaneta vatai purizi not that kinda dzawakutiratidza koshesa madzva             emukadzi wako coz tomorrow achakanda pakavharwa ipapo achiti ddy Havana basa naz

April 15, 2024

Zva Zimbabwe Bodo Vakadzi 9 Avo Vosungwa Mushure Mekunge Vaitira Mai Mnangagwa Kuti Boo Boo Hazvina Kupera Mushe Pamborohwa Munhu Zvionerewo

Vakadzi 9 Ava Bosungwa Mushure Mekunge Vaitira Mai Mnangagwa Kuti Boo Boo 👎                By Political Reporter- The First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa was last Wednesday booed by villagers at Watsomba Business Centre in Manicaland province.               The villagers, predominantly women, voiced their discontent after reportedly missing out on the charitable offerings being distributed by Mnangagwa as part of her philanthropic endeavours.    

April 13, 2024

Pakaipa Nyaya Inorwadza Iyi Street Kid Violet Chikanzi 23 Oitiswa Nhumbu Ozvarira Matwins Mu Harare Gardens Otaura Nyaya Yake Kune Vamubatsira

Violet Chikanzi, 23, had been sleeping at Harare Gardens when she fell pregnant.She was having a relationship with a street kid.   HOMELESS woman, who was impregnated by a street kid, gave birth to twins and the family has been moved out of the streets for the sake of the babies.           Violet Chikanzi, 23, had been sleeping at Harare Gardens when she fell pregnant. She was having a relationship with a street kid. She gave birth to her twins four weeks ago. Violet, whose father was of Malawian origin, told H-Metro that her mother was also homeless when she died. She left her living on the streets. “I was born on the streets and when my mother died I had nowhere to go besides living on the streets,&rdquo

April 13, 2024

Gilbert Muchokomori Opfuurwa Gumbo Nemapurisa Mushure Mekunge Avekutiza Ku Glenora B Uko Kwakabata Achiba Nevamwe Vake

MURDER suspect, who had defaulted court, was shot and injured in a shoot-out with police in Glen View after the the law enforcement agents had established his new address. Gilbert Muchokomori attempted to flee from the police and was shot on the leg in a high speed chase.             After his arrest, he led the police to seven scenes he had committed cases of unlawful entry. He allegedly told the police that he broke into Taurai Utete’s shop in Glen Norah B, with his four accomplices, and stole several phones with US$23000. Muchokomori was captured on CCTV committing the offence.               On the second count, Muchokomori and his accomplices broke into Charles Chap

April 13, 2024

Mashura Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Thursday Night Connie Shawano Ouraiwa Nemurume Wake Akim Mabeka Uyu Akamuroora Muma December Maurairwe Aaitwa Ndoanorwadza Vanhu Vazoona Body Yake Nhasi Yave Kutoora

KADOMA man is being sought by the family of his late wife whose body was found in a state of decomposition, four days after her death. The family suspects Akim Mabeka, who has disappeared, had a hand in the death of his wife Connie Shawano.               According to a family relative, the couple had been married for four months.The lobola ceremony was held in December. Connie’s uncle, Cedrick Phiri, revealed that since the tragedy, Akim has not been seen.             “The incident occurred last Thursday and muzukuru akauraiwa kuMartin area in Kadoma and, since the incident, he has been nowhere to be seen. “They just got married on December, 31, last year

April 13, 2024

Hazvina Kumira Mushe Baba Ruva Voshaikwa Mhepo Dzavainadzo Dzihombe Zvinzwirewo

Missing person Ba Ruva Kana maona just contact Shema tv Last seen in mhondoro Nyamweda             Ba Ruva vane mazimhepo chaiwo akavawana ngaavadzosere kwachivi avasiye nenhamo yavo yavakajairaI hope vari safe ,mhepo dzacho dzinoitisa chadzimira munhu anga asimudzira mhuri kudai               🙏🙏🙏🙏Uuuuum baruva hope vari safe kwavari ,imwe pfungwa ikuti shasha yakarohwa neboys yavakabira sinhi hope avana kufa vakavarasa coz zim inorohwa mbavha mhani , imwe pfungwa yoti vari muzhira vanosvika kuna mai ruva shave risingade chakanaka  Asi pazvose hope he is okay n safe kwaari

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