Saturday, January 18

Musikana Anoshanda Na Fifi Lexyhotpot Hanzi I Takatanga Kuzviita Kudhara Iye Anotopiwa Mari Yakawanda Tinaye Totoita Naye Tichitambisa Mheche Tese Kuma Clients

Musikana Anoshanda Na Fifi Kuchihure Hanzi I Escot Takatanga Kuzvionawo Kudhara Iye Anotopiwa Mari Yakawanda Tinaye Totoita Naye Tichitambisa Mheche Tese Kuma Clients Tirikugroup Vochooser Vaarikuda Ku The Hotpot Kunobhadhara Paweek Anowana 1500 -2000 Usd Inzwaiwo






But don't put it past that it's actually the mother's idea. She could be grooming her, a marketing strategy. Yes, this is very common, when prostitutes get old, they start grooming their daughters into the trade. They will live vicariously through their daughters. Sad but true. Learn OR perish!!!




Someone is getting arrested this week kkkk.   If her mother used to mistreat/abusive the father or is a drunkard or command the father or is divorced or separated , that is exactly what she will turn out to be if you marry her. “Yes, this is very common, when prostitutes get old, they start grooming their daughters into the trade.” Men, Women can be evil.That is why men are advised to take their time before picking a wife. Getting a woman to knack is a cakewalk. But getting a wife is when rubber meets the road. TAKE YOUR TIME.  Listen or perish.



King as far as I agree with u sometimes but apa ka it's different no one wants the bad corrector of him /her kut iyende pamwana wake. They do so by turning the daughter to be their retirement benefits and the cycle continued. This is why it very difficult to erase such bad acts from our socities. They just want to gain fame... nowadays celebrities uses different strategies to get people attention. Very true .....I also thought about it kuti this is  might be a marketing strategy.



when prostitutes get old, they start grooming their daughters into the trade." Vasikana vakarerwa nechiweti vanototengesawo chiweti.Zvaienda nepi nkuwanda kwanga kwakaita ma stepdad Kambuya aka kanoseka vamwe zvokuti kana iri nyaya yemanudes iyi. Wonzwa umwe achiti sekera mudende. Nxaa tengai mega matende acho musekere imomo. Kana kuita matende ekukaka mopinda imomo moseka. Isu tinosekera pachena. Paaiseka shashl aiti mai vake vaifungei?

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